Thursday, January 8, 2009

School, work, study, work, study, work, volleyball, sleep.

This week has been a bit off the wall. Coming back from a nice, long, relaxing break and getting smacked in the face with Anatomy class is definitely a hard transition. My class is from 10:30 to 3:30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Don't get me wrong, it's very interesting but it's a LOT. Even worse, I have to coach right after class on Tuesday's and Thursday's. Plus, I have to work in the school athletic training room right after class on Wednesday and allll day Friday. My only day off is Saturday but this weekend I'm trying out for the Cal Poly volleyball team during the day. Busy Week! Sean has a quiz tomorrow and next week so he's been studying and will be studying alllll weekend. Life in school is tough for a married couple. We get so stressed and sometimes it's hard not to take it out on each other. I feel like I definitely need to make an effort to be nice, so that Sean doesn't get even more stressed. Something that's also going to help us get through this is this new feature I found on my phone. I was looking at the calender on my phone and I discovered that you can set alarms for things you need to do throughout the day! Anyone who knows me can tell you that I am probably one of the most forgetful people on the planet(I've been told many a time that I would forget my head if it weren't attached). So, I've been planning my whole week out on my phone with different reminders at different times like "grab the checkbook" or "do the laundry". I've gotten so much done that I know I would've forgotten otherwise. Hopefully this will take some stress off of Sean during his endeavors to finish his classes. He works so dang hard. I am so lucky. I was just talking to my single non-member friend(she's my BEST friend, actually) who is in school, and she is so worried about the future. She doesn't know what she wants or is able to do for the rest of her life. She doesn't know who she will end up with or even if she will. She's scared about the world and knows it's coming to an end at some point. Her life is just such a mystery, and it scares her to death. I'm so glad I know what direction my life is going. I have a husband who I am excited to start my family with. I have the church that points me in the right direction everyday. I am going through school and earning a degree. I really feel like I don't have a whole lot to worry about. I know that the Lord has blessed me and Sean so much. I hope that I can help my best friend get her life together, and I hope that she sees someday that the church is the reason for my blessings.

♥ Best Friends ♥


rachael said...

Hey Bree, We just finished one of us going through school and I don't know how you do it! Plus, with volleyball I can't even imagine how busy you must be! The good news is that when I look back, it really did bring us closer. When you're so busy all the time you really cherish the time you spend together and you learn to lean on each other for support. It's a good growing experience and you will be closer for it! Plus, you learn how to deal with stress without taking it out on each other and that is a huge blessing in disguise! I hope your friend can find happiness!

Diana and Gregg said...

And I thought my life was stressful! Some of the happiest times in my life were when Gregg and I were just starting out with no money, little kids, and a whole future ahead of us. I can look back at all the trials in my life and I am thankful for every one of them because they led to countless blessings that I couldn't see at the time. It's true, Heavenly Father can see the bigger picture, so stay strong, keep the faith, and enjoy the ride! I love you, Mom