Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chapter 2 of our Love Story

A good month and a half passed by that summer. The hot guy in the yellow shirt came up in more than a couple conversatioins between Harper and I. And needless to say, I was quite disappointed that there had been no sign of this mystery man since Pioneer Day. Well, summer had passed and I had moved on to the fall volleyball season. Conditioning was finally over (!!) and the cuts had been made for the Varsity team. Now, every year, the team goes on a little outing for a bonding experience, and this year Coach decided that we were going WHITE WATER RAFTING! Or something like it. So we made our way out to the east side of bakersfield in our school vans and came to the Rio Bravo resort where we were fitted for our lifejackets. When we got in there, several decent looking guys and a couple girls came out to help us. One of them I seemed to recognize, but I couldn't put my finger on what from. Anyway, then I saw a VERY sexy guy walk out to help. He was tall, very tan(I could very well see this because he had no shirt on.. wow), and he was wearing a white bandana on his head. And did I mention he was VERY cute. So we took the bumpy ride down to the river in an old, basically run down school bus. And after our safety talk, as we made our way down to the rafts, the guy I had semi-recognized walked up next to me and gave me a sideways, "Hey." "Hi," I said, thinking: Do I know you?? Then he reminded me about PIONEER DAY. It was the shorter guy that came and talked to us with the hot guy in the yellow shirt! "I KNEW I recognized you!" I beamed. Then it hit me.. The tall, handsome river guide that I mentioned was none other than THE HOT GUY IN THE YELLOW SHIRT! And it turns out that I was in their raft. As we floated down the river I got to see that he was not only really, really good looking, but he was also very nice and very funny. At the end of the day, I made sure to stand next to him in our little end of the trip photo. And I'm sure if you looked at that photo you would see how red my cheeks were. And it wasn't from the sun. :) I surely hoped that I would see him again. But the odds were definitely against me.... TO BE CONTINUED in the next blog!

1 comment:

rachael said...

This is so fun! I love hearing the crazy ways people meet! This is also sounding totally bizarre and I'm dying to hear more! Keep me posted!